CWiC affiliated courses offer students the chance to improve their speaking abilities by requiring students to meet with a CWiC speaking advisor to rehearse at least one graded speaking assignment. The critical speaking seminars are speaking intensive affiliated courses. The critical speaking seminars are speaking intensive affiliated courses. Specifically, Critical Speaking Seminars utilize oral communication assignments as a primary method for learning and assessment. 

If you would like your course to be affiliated with CWiC, then please contact Dr. Sue Weber at




  • COLL 0135

    The Art of Speaking: Comm Within the Curriculum Speaking Advisor Training
    Spring 2022: Wednesday 12:00-3:00 pm
    Dr. Sue Weber

    This course is designed to equip students with the major tenets of rhetorical studies and peer education necessary to work as a CWiC speaking advisor. The course is a practicum that aims to develop students' abilities as speakers, as critical listeners and as advisors able to help others develop those abilities. In addition to creating and presenting individual presentations, students present workshops and practice advising. During this ABCS course, students will practice their advising skills by coaching and mentoring students at a public school in Philadelphia. Prerequisite: Students need to apply and are interviewed by the instructor and Associate Director of CWiC.