If public speaking makes you nervous, then you are not alone.

As many as 75% of college students have reported having anxiety about public speaking (McCroskey, 1998 & 2000). Dr. James McCroskey has defined communication apprehension as "the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others" (1997).  You can asses your level of anxiety by completing McCroskey's Personal Report of Communication Apprehension.


What should you do to become a confident speaker?

  1. Attend a CWiC Workshop
  2. Meet with an advisor at CWiC's Speaking Center.
  3. Enroll in a CWiC critical speaking course.
  4. Read Conquer Your Speech Anxiety: Learn How to Overcome Your Nervousness About Public Speaking by Dr. Karen Dwyer.
  5. Review the links on this page. 


Communication Anxiety 101: Presented by CWiC Advisors

A group of CWiC Advisors has created a comprehensive website to help with Communication Anxiety. Students may utilize this resource for general questions and tips about becoming a better speaker. This website is dedicated to the issue of communication anxiety, also known as the unpleasant sensations a speaker may experience before or during a presentation.

Nervousness Video

A Presentation by renowned author and producer J.K Rowling

J.K Rowling is visibly nervous throughout her commencement address at Harvard University. She speaks about how she was very nervous and scared to give this speech. This video shows that it is normal to be nervous, but you can have a successful presentation as long as you don't let your nerves overwhelm you. Nervousness happens to everyone and Rowling shows how to not let it get the best of you and give a memorable presentation!

Video Length: 20:58